Friday, August 31, 2007

You Say It's Your Birthday

Happy Birthday to Our Little Levi Joseph
Two Years Old Today

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I know, I know...Here's pictures...I know it's late but here are pictures!

So a few weeks back we spent a week down in Columbus Ohio visiting Honey and Grandpa Kelly. We had a great time, despite the unnerving heat! We cannot thank them enough for putting up with all four of us for a week. Thier place is wonderful, though a bit like a compund. Seriously though it was wonderful. They do not live in an apartment complex, they live in a community.

First our trip to the Columbus Zoo

Who doesn't love a good picture of an elephant's hind quaters

What a tragedy, another victim of poor driving through the African savanah...ho wait, just a sleeping cat, cause it was too hot for even him!

This is a silver back gorilla beginning to stick its tounge out at Noah and myself. Not very appropriate if you ask me. I suppose I just make a joke regarding evolution, but I can't think of anything witty enough to be worth it

This is a manitee. I took the picture through the glass (which you all probably assumed since I am not the type ot swim with a large mammal such as this). Not only are these things really cool, they are huge! I know everyone knows that they are large, but the National Geographic Channel does not do them justice as far as size goes! Wow, big swimming cows, pretty cool!

Though it's kinda blurry, I love this picture. Gramps, Honey, and two of the three pigs. We had been trying to stage this photo all day with little luck. You can imagine how hard it is to get Honey to look at the camera and stop horseing around. (Just kidding, it was Junior)

We had a blast at the zoo, however hot it was. We did not get to see the whole thing, we are hoping to go back and see more in November. Hopefully it will not be as oppressively hot then. But then again it is Ohio and things seem to be a bit backwards there.

We also played some baseball while down there...

As you can imagine, this was one of those moments that forever changed Noah's life. Apperaently he had no idea that he was able to play on a "real professional baseball feild". As he stated, "I can't belive this, this is the best thing that ever happened to me". Oh, to be four years old again! Once again, this event was only overshadowed by the fact that we we enjoying our time in a freaking oven!

We also spent time with Tim and Kendra, the Buffingtons! This picture was taken at an outdoor (as you can tell) concert featuring the band British Invasion, hmmm, interesting. Great people, we really enjoyed thier company...the boys loved thier son Coakley

The boys had the most fun enjoying swimming, everyday, all day

(easy Em, if I'm in here, so are you)

Noah and Daddy took a "hiking adventure" to a pretty cool "nature preserve" jsut down the street from the Waco Compound. It was really cool, it kinda felt like we found something new.

All in all we had a great week of relaxation, conversation and quality time. We look forward to visiting again in November!