Thursday, January 25, 2007

attack of the killer flu

So we all has a wonderful week. Sunday at church Levi decided to throw up all over me, himself and the carpet.I just stood there in shock not knowing what I should do next. Later that night after I got Levi settled, Noah got sick and we had to go up to Mom and Kelly's to dogsit. I thought OK this will be fun two sick kids, with it coming out both ends I can get through this. Oh but wait it get's better, monday I woke up with it and Joe had to go to school so the kids watched a lot of tv that day. I felt so bad, I couldn't even feed them because food smelled and looked so gross. Joe came home and didn't go to work that afternoon so I could relax, and the kids could eat. Yet we don't want to leave Joe out would we, he woke up Tuesday moring with it. I can not believe how fast we all got sick, it was like the plauge! Needless to say I washed everything, used Clorox wips on all surfaces, and sprayed the crap out of the house with lysol. Mom and Kelly come home tonight and I pray that they do not get sick. So now I am at work and feel like I have returned to the world. I love being up there, but you are away from everything and being stuck in the house for 3 days makes a person go a little nuts. So everyone beware of the flu, it's a good one this year.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Things to look forward to in 2007

Ok so I will attempt to post again as long as no one will dis me in the comments for anything. As I look over the past year, and the last post I realized that we had a lot going on this year. It's always funny to me to look back and see God's hand in everything that happens. It never is how we planned or even even in our dreams what we expected. Sometimes in the midst of trials we even wonder how we will make it through. I thank the Lord daily for the path that he has put us on and that he has provided for eveything we need to take that path. Now if you asked me this about two years ago I would have told you that there is no way I would have seen our situation as a blessing, but once again God has brought us through and we know we wouldn't have it any other way. God has taught me so much over the past couple years about myself and about us as a family and only hope that I can continue to be the wife and mother that my family deserves. I think 2007 will be a good year, (in my mind anyway) we have a full year once again and look forward to the joys and the struggles he will bring us through. This year we hope to purchase our first home, (it maybe soon since we found one this weekend we really like), Joe is going to finish his degree at Kuyper dispite all the set backs last semester, Noah will finish his first year of pre-school and start kintergarden hopefuuly at Knapp Charter, Levi will be 2 already, and Lord willing we will have another prenancy. Now those are the things we plan to happen but who know's the path God has for us. I ask for prayers for us as this year is going to be very crazy, and also my mother in law and father in law need to sell their house in order to move to Columbus, so as much as we don't want them to move, the commute is driving them both nuts. Blessing to all in 2007 and we shall see what this year brings. I know we need to get pictures up here of the boys, so I will try and do that soon.
Emma Lou