Thursday, January 25, 2007

attack of the killer flu

So we all has a wonderful week. Sunday at church Levi decided to throw up all over me, himself and the carpet.I just stood there in shock not knowing what I should do next. Later that night after I got Levi settled, Noah got sick and we had to go up to Mom and Kelly's to dogsit. I thought OK this will be fun two sick kids, with it coming out both ends I can get through this. Oh but wait it get's better, monday I woke up with it and Joe had to go to school so the kids watched a lot of tv that day. I felt so bad, I couldn't even feed them because food smelled and looked so gross. Joe came home and didn't go to work that afternoon so I could relax, and the kids could eat. Yet we don't want to leave Joe out would we, he woke up Tuesday moring with it. I can not believe how fast we all got sick, it was like the plauge! Needless to say I washed everything, used Clorox wips on all surfaces, and sprayed the crap out of the house with lysol. Mom and Kelly come home tonight and I pray that they do not get sick. So now I am at work and feel like I have returned to the world. I love being up there, but you are away from everything and being stuck in the house for 3 days makes a person go a little nuts. So everyone beware of the flu, it's a good one this year.

1 comment:

Gretchen Driesenga said...

time for an update here. i thought you were going to put some pictures up!